Category: Uncategorized

  • Drones in Civil Airspace Again – Bringing Gifts of Tacos!

    I don’t have time to write any blog posts or anything else for that matter at the moment. But it seemed to me that an e-mail I wrote today might be converted to a post. Herewith. Steven Tockey pointed to an article in the Huffington Post about delivering tacos by robotic helicopter. Apparently there is…

  • Another Glitch, Same Old Moral

    Martyn Thomas chaired a committee convened by the UK Royal Academy of Engineering on infrastructure vulnerabilities to GPS disturbances. The committee reported in March 2011 and Martyn was briefly on the front page of UK news media on March 10, 2011 until the Tohoku event happened the day after. What Martyn’s committee found was astonishing.…

  • Tertiary Education – A Comparison over Countries

    Not mine this time (the one I wrote in 1997 is still being referenced, but is out of date because the German degree system has changed) but the OECD’s from October 2011, based on 2009 data, which I have just discovered. The Washington Post published in September 2011 a startling graphic, accompanying an article on…