Category: Health and Public Health

  • Concerning an Odd Comment on Covid-19 Vaccination

    The Observer is one of Britain’s oldest newspapers. It is published Sundays (effectively as the Sunday edition of The Guardian). Its science and environment editor Robin McKie has an article about vaccination and “political folly”  He considers the brouhaha surrounding Covid-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca (as it is now called. It used to be AZD1222. I shall call…

  • Glimpses of Reason Concerning Vaccination

    The German nonsense is unfortunately continuing, but is yielding some. The influential Minister-President of Bavaria (Bayern), Marcus Söder, had suggested that the over-65 negative recommendation for AZD1222 should be waived; he was joined by the MinPres’s of Baden-Wurttemburg,  Hesse (Hessen), and Saxony (Sachsen). See this story from Sunday 2021-02-28.  Those states represent 41.5% of the German…

  • Vaccination and Memes Around AZD1222 Reluctance in Germany

    A British colleague wrote to me a couple days ago about a newspaper story concerning “a vaccination centre in Berlin that had 3000 people booked in one day, but only a couple of hundred turned up.” Our vaccination centre in Bielefeld was ready to handle up to 2,000 vaccinations per day in mid-December, but only…

  • Covid-19, Safety Critical Systems Club Activity, Air Filtering

    It has been over a year since I have written anything here. I have been concerned with reading myself in the medical-scientific and public health literature about SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19, because the deleterious consequences of this pandemic dwarf anything we system safety people have had to deal with during my career. Many believe that engineers…